
Publication / News

Accademia di architettura Diploma
– 2023, Milano, Italy

“Into The Woods” has been published as well as my fellow colleagues projects

Archive of Diploma projects in 2023 at Università della Svizzera italiana – Accademia di architettura


Publication / Essay

– 2019-20, Tokyo/Zürich, Japan/Switzerland

Collective Essays for the group show “Japan Collage 2020 Part 3” at Gallery K, Kyobashi, Tokyo


what if an architecture sings
– 2019, Kyoto/Luzern, Japan/Switzerland

Collective Essays on the international joint studio at Kyoto Institute of Technology and Hochschule Luzern

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Border Space” – 2019, Kyoto, Japan

Collective Essays on Diploma Project at Kyoto Institute of Technology

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Publication / Article

“An architecture as space apparatus”
– 2016, Tokyo, Japan

AFT Journal of Architecture and Urban Cultural History No.3

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Publication / Article

“Retrospect ‘First Deviation Velocity’”
– 2016, Tokyo, Japan

AFT Journal of Architecture and Urban Cultural History No.2

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